Always Learning and Having Fun Doing It

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Last night we had the pleasure of participating in a hands-on SmugMug tutorial session on Street Photography with photographer Paul Conrad. Participants ranged in age from early 20’s to early 60’s. We were all there for the same purpose – to conceptualize, collaborate and capture.


We spent some time as a group discussing logistics of street photography and playing a bit of myth busters as to how and when permission is required to use or sell your images. […]

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MODEL ADVENTURES: “Fashion Disasters”

What is bound to happen when you combine new fashion designs, new models and a new location for a photo shoot? ACK! What DOESN’T happen? Thankfully, no dresses were hurt in the making of the image and no models were lost over the edge of the cliff.



The first outfit came off without a hitch (literally as we had to do quick parking lot outfit changes between sets) and the combat boots were helpful in getting the model […]

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Art Exhibiting 101

Penny had the recent honor of having one of her maritime photographs selected to hang in the NW Maritime Art Exhibit in Port Townsend, Washington. Last night was the “Meet the Artists” Reception and Awards Presentation. The weather cleared up nicely for the long drive over and back.



Walking into a room filled with buyers, photographers and critics, knowing that my photograph is hanging somewhere within these walls, is a mind-numbing experience. I had to […]

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Meeting Mr. Groupawn through Social Networking

One thing about Social Networking is that you cross borders leaps and bounds before you even meet face to face. What was once known as a younger generation’s tool to stay plugged in has now become widely used across every generation of reader. Kids beg their parents for Facebook accounts to play games against their friends while parents are begging their kids to teach them how to load Facebook on their iPhones.

Reaching out to strangers has become second nature to bloggers and posters everywhere.  […]

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Technology’s Playground -not just for Kids Anymore!

I’m sitting on a 6 hour flight next to a lovely older lady (did I mention older?) eagerly attempting to figure out her DigiPlayer rental. Now, for us whippersnappers, it’s second nature to jab at the small circular power button, plug in our headphones, manipulate the screen-based conventional menu choices and voilà! We’re plugged into the virtual environment and our surroundings dissolve away. But what about the generation BEFORE ours? Many from the IBM Selectric generation have no interest in exploring the realm also known as cyberspace, with it’s limitless virtual capabilities. It’s confusing […]

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MODEL ADVENTURES: “Setting up the Big Take”

Ever wake up one morning and think, “this would be an amazing picture”? I do. I’m frequently laughed at for using my iPhone drawing program to sketch out my very artistic stick figure poses and coordinated props. It’s the fastest way that I can get the image in my head into a medium that I can discuss and plan for.


I take that idea and begin the development process. I start with the location and then the appropriate model “look”. I list out […]

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MODEL ADVENTURES: “Avoiding the No-Shows or Slow-Go’s”

There is nothing worse than being the generous & kind photographer that thinks they’re helping out a model by doing a portfolio shoot TF or for a discounted fee – and the model no-shows. It feels much the same as when you hold a garage sale and no one shows up – you pour your sweat & tears into setting it all up, advertising and blocking the time off to be there instead of off having fun with your family and friends. You sit and wait – watching eagerly for the customer to arrive… and […]
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MODEL ADVENTURES-“Tips From the Edge”



When we first started working with models, we learned the hard way that making or updating a model’s portfolio required more than simply a model, a photographer, an expensive camera and some creative know-how. Both the model and the photographer have a lot of preparation to make the best portfolio images.


The model needs to remember NOT to party the night before, drink plenty of water in the days prior, be COMFORTABLE in the […]
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Hello World!!

We’ve had a number of requests to fill you in on our adventures during a shoot and we want to show our appreciation to you so…
Where to start? Let’s go back in time and give you a few details about some of our earlier photo shoots.

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