With much mahalo to all the volunteers, vendors and sponsors, we’re thrilled to report the sixth successful Kihei Fourth Friday, Maui Town Party! With approximately 3,000 attendees, it’s safe to say that even the Trade Winds cannot stop Kihei from enjoying a night out on the town.
Great performances by Visibly Shaken and Simply Twisted on the Mainstage and Joel Katz on the Foodcourt Patio. We’re always amazed at how these groups bring the crowds to their feet as they sing and dance with friends and ohana. Over 90 vendors, 50 volunteers and 20 Committee Members share in making this monthly event a great success.
Check out all the pictures from the event here!
Sign up to join us as a vendor or volunteer on the website http://kiheifridays.com for the next Kihei Fourth Friday!