One thing about Social Networking is that you cross borders leaps and bounds before you even meet face to face. What was once known as a younger generation’s tool to stay plugged in has now become widely used across every generation of reader. Kids beg their parents for Facebook accounts to play games against their friends while parents are begging their kids to teach them how to load Facebook on their iPhones.

Reaching out to strangers has become second nature to bloggers and posters everywhere.  But one man in particular has stepped out into the world in barely more than his skivvies to live for a year off of a commercialized form of social networking. Meet Josh, aka Mr. Groupawn.  Josh fascinated us with his worldly adventure so we were thrilled when he made time to visit with us during his trip to Seattle. No matter how much or how little you understand about Groupon and how it all works, understand this – their spokesperson is not “crazy”.  Mr. Groupawn is charismatic, smart and by all accounts truly ADAPTABLE.


We started the evening by taking Josh down to Lake Washington for a casual sunset photo shoot. We set out to capture a symbolic picture of his life on the road- complete with trendy shorts, laptop and his lifeline to the world, the all-important cell phone.


We started with great intentions, but the concentration was broken by all the laughter and story exchanging. Staying on track was more than any squirrel could handle. Dinner at Ivar’s and a long night of tech talk and laughter ensued.


It may not have been the most robust photo shoot we’ve ever done, but we hope it will add to his adventure memories and be a reminder that his visit was definitely a highlight in our week. Thanks Josh and Groupon – safe travels our new friend!
